Cannery Calendar
The Cannery Calendar includes Ranch House reservations and HOA-organized community events.
City of Davis Requests
The City has made available an app for Android and Apple You can use it to report issues on City property such as leaning/dead trees, overgrown plants, irrigation problems, playground equipment problems, trash, and any other issues on City property. You can also report inoperable/long-term-parked cars and make other reports/requests for City services. The list of Cannery trees can help you identify the identification number for any tree that you need to report, which can make it easier for the City to find the tree you are reporting.
These issues can also be reported on the City website.
City of Davis Parks
For questions about any amenities owned and operated by the City of Davis, such as Cannery playgrounds, parks, and the outdoor gym at the Cannery, including reservation of parks for parties and gatherings, contact the City of Davis Parks and Community Services Department. You can also contact this same group to inquire about reserving the parks for parties or other gatherings.
Community Garden Plot Rental
Learn more about community gardens in the City of Davis, including how to be added to the waitlist for a community garden plot rental in the Cannery.
City Council
The City of Davis worked closely with the developer to design and realize the Cannery community. The City has a vested interest in ensuring that all runs smoothly in our community. In addition, since all the Cannery parks and the urban farm are City owned and operated, many Cannery issues may in fact be under City jurisdiction. Because of this, consider being engaged in City government, including by speaking up at City Council meetings on Cannery issues under City domain.
If you want to know whether an issue is a City issue or a HOA issue, email
Emergency Preparedness
The City of Davis Fire Marshal has provided some tips to help your household be prepared for a fire or medical emergency. They want you to know that emergency responders can more quickly save lives when you have a:
- Request and complete one for each member of your household, including children. Forms may be copied so they are available for future use.
- Use pencil to complete the form so changes can be made.
- Put the form in the magnetic red packet.
- Place the packet on your refrigerator.
- If it doesn’t stick to your refrigerator, tape it on. If placed on a counter or in an area near the refrigerator, it may become obscured or lost.
The pool is closed for cleaning every Monday and Friday from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM and Wednesday from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. No one allowed in the pool area during that time.