Ranch House

The Ranch House is the central meeting place of the Cannery community.

The Ranch House is available for reservations. Learn more, including how to start the process.

Ranch House

Ranch House Reservations


Reservation Calendar

Before making a reservation, check availability


Ranch House Rules

Read the Rules carefully before using the Ranch House

pencil writing on a clipboard

Reservation Form

Complete this form to reserve the Ranch House.

Reservation Form
arrow pointing at insurance, the word risk to the left and right of it


Insurance requirements and instructions


Lost and Found

There is a lost-and-found in the Ranch House on the cabinets next to the kitchen. There are separate baskets for items that have been there for one week, two weeks, three weeks, and four weeks. After four weeks, Maria generally donates the items. (You may also approach Maria about any items that are finally up for donation.)

There is also a basket of free goggles on top of the bookshelf.

four bins, each with a week listed on them
A free sign next to puzzles and on top of a bookcase
A bookcase

Children's Toys

There are baskets of toys for children stored in the Ranch House above the book shelf, for anyone who would like to bring their small children in to play.